Archive for the ‘Realized volatility’ Category

Long-Memory versus Option-Implied Volatility Predictions

17 Oct

Article by: Kai Li
Published by: The Journal of Derivatives
Date: Spring 2002

“Volatility is a critical parameter in virtually all option pricing models. But the closer we look at volatility, the harder it seems to be to model it correctly. The constant volatility assumption of early pricing models is clearly inadequate. GARCH family models make volatility a function of the asset price process, and stochastic volatility models bring in a second stochastic factor that affects volatility movements. These approaches make sense in theory, but empirically volatility shocks seem to be too persistent to be consistent with them. A further confounding factor is that implied volatilities extracted from option prices in the market are widely thought to give more accurate predictions of future realized volatility, but don’t obey any of these models exactly. In this article, Li examines a volatility model with “long memory,” meaning that it can be made to fit the slow-decay feature of market volatilities. He also introduces a much more extensive data series, with intraday observations every five minutes. Using such a dense price series, realized volatility becomes observable, and the vast number of data points allows precise estimation of model parameters. For exchange rates on the deutsche mark, the yen and the British pound, the ARFIMA (“Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average”) model is shown to give a better fit to volatility behavior than the alternative model, and it beats implied volatility substantially in the standard tests of forecasting performance.”

Full article (This article requires a subscription or payment) : Link

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Posted in Implied volatility, Realized volatility


Variance Swaps on Time-Changed Levy Processes

16 Oct

Article by: Peter Carr, Roger Lee, and Liuren Wu
Published by: NYU
Date: 6 Apr 2009

“We prove that a multiple of a log contract prices a variance swap, under arbitrary exponential Levy dynamics, stochastically time-changed by an arbitrary continuous clock having arbitrary correlation with the driving Levy process, subject to integrability conditions. We solve for the multiplier, which depends only on the Levy process, not on the clock. In the case of an arbitrary continuous underlying returns process, the multiplier is 2, which recovers the standard no-jump variance swap pricing formula as a special case of our framework. In the presence of negatively- skewed jump risk, however, we prove that the multiplier exceeds 2, which agrees with calibrations of time-changed Levy processes to equity options data. Finally we show that discrete sampling increases variance swap values, under an independence condition; so if the commonly-quoted 2 multiple undervalues the continuously-sampled variance, then it undervalues furthermore the discretely-sampled variance.”

Full article (PDF): Link

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Posted in Hedging, Realized volatility, Trading ideas


The Volatility of Realized Volatility

11 Oct

Authors: Fulvio Corsi, Uta Kretschmer, Stefan Mittnik, and Christian Pigorsch
Published by: Center for Financial Studies
Date: 28 Nov 2005

“Using unobservable conditional variance as measure, latent-variable approaches, such as GARCH and stochastic-volatility models, have traditionally been dominating the empirical finance literature. In recent years, with the availability of high-frequency financial market data modeling realized volatility has become a new and innovative research direction. By constructing “observable” or realized volatility series from intraday transaction data, the use of standard time series models, such as ARFIMA models, have become a promising strategy for modeling and predicting (daily) volatility. In this paper, we show that the residuals of the commonly used time-series models for realized volatility exhibit non-Gaussianity and volatility clustering. We propose extensions to explicitly account for these properties and assess their relevance when modeling and forecasting realized volatility. In an empirical application for S&P500 index futures we show that allowing for time-varying volatility of realized volatility leads to a substantial improvement of the model’s fit as well as predictive performance. Furthermore, the distributional assumption for residuals plays a crucial role in density forecasting.”

 Full article (PDF): Link

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Posted in Realized volatility

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